UK Bible Students Website.Poem for the Day
BE strong to
bear, O heart of mine,
Faint not when sorrows
come. The sum of all these ills of earth
Prepares thee for thy home.
So many burdened ones there are
Close toiling by thy
side, Assist, encourage, comfort them,
Thine own deep anguish
What though thy trials may seem great?
Thy strength is known to
God, And pathways steep and rugged lead
To pastures green and broad.
Be strong to love, O heart of mine,
Live not for self
alone; But find, in blessing other
lives, Completeness for thine
Seek every hungry heart to feed, Each saddened heart to
cheer: And when stern justice stands aloof,
in mercy draw thou near.
True, loving words and helping hands
Have won more souls for
Heaven Than all the mixed and various
creeds By priests and sages given.
For every grief a joy will
come, For every toil a
rest; So hope, so
love, so patient bear— God doeth all things
Be strong to hope, O heart of
mine, Look not on life’s dark
side: For just beyond these gloomy
hours Rich, radiant days abide.
Let hope, like summer’s rainbow
bright, Scatter thy falling
tears, And let God’s precious
promises Dispel thine anxious fears.