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Text of the Day







Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God,

 that he may exalt you in due time—1.Pet. 5:6.


 It is indeed no easy matter to tread the pathway of humility, to check continually the human aspirations and to keep the sacrifice on the altar until it is fully consumed. But thus it is that we are to work out our own salvation as Christians with fear and trembling, lest we come short of worthiness for the reward that God has promised to the faithful overcomers who tread closely in the footsteps of our blessed Forerunner... who was meek and lowly of heart. It is when we are thus humble and faithful that the Lord makes us His chosen vessels to bear His name to others. Thus emptied of self, He can fill us with His Spirit and with His Truth, and we can go forth strong in the Lord of hosts and in His mighty power, to do valiant service as soldiers of the cross.



  Parallel passages: Jas. 1:9,10; 4:6; Isa. 57:15; 66:2; Job 22:29;  Prov. 15:33; 29:23; Dan. 4:37; Luke 1:52; 10:21; 14:10,11; 18:14;  1.Pet. 5:3,5;  Matt. 5:3; 11:29; 18:2-4; 20:26,27; 23:12; Rom.12:3,10,16;   I.Cor.13:4;   2.Cor. 12:5-12;  Eph. 4:2; 5:21;  Phil.2:3-11.