The drawing back may at
first be a very slight departure from the narrow way of
sacrifice—only a looking back perhaps, with a sigh for the things
behind; a little slowing up of speed in the race set before us; then
a little disposition to compromise the Truth in favor of the
cravings of the fallen nature. Thus the way is prepared for the arts
of the Tempter, who is quick to note our weak points, and to take
advantage of them in a manner test suited to our case. Subtle errors
are brought to bear against the judgment; pleasing allurements, with
a show of righteousness, are presented to the fleshly mind; and,
almost imperceptibly, the soul forgets its “first love” for the
Lord, and its first zeal for His service, and drifts away from the
Truth and the spirit of it, being no longer led of the holy Spirit
God. |