The tongue’s influence exceeds that of all our
other members combined; and to control it, therefore, in
the Lord’s service, is the most important work of the
Lord’s people in respect to their mortal bodies and the service of
these rendered to the Lord. A few words of love, kindness,
helpfulness—how often have such changed the entire
course of a human life! yes, how much they have had to
do with molding the destiny of nations! And how often
have evil words, unkind words, slanderous words, done
gross injustice, assassinated reputations, etc.,
or, as the Apostle declares, “set on fire the course of nature,”
awakening passions, strifes, enmities, at first
unthought of! No wonder he declares such tongues are
“set on fire of Gehenna,” the Second
Death! |