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Text of the Day







 We know that all things work together for good to them that love God. . . the called according to his purpose—Rom. 8:28.


 Remembering this, all the Lord’s people should be content with the lot which Providence seems to mark out for them—not indolent, but content, when they have done all that their hands find to do—not restless, peevish, dissatisfied, complainers against an is providence. It may be that the Lord is fitting and preparing us individually for some special service, and that the permitted experiences alone will prepare us for that service. We are to remember also that we are incompetent to judge of our own imperfections, and hence incompetent to judge of the experiences which would be most helpful to us.


Parallel passages: Gen. 5:20; Deut. 8:2; Jer. 24:5-7; 2.Cor. 4:15-18; Heb. 12:9-11; Rev. 3:19; Rom. 1:6; 9:11, 23, 24; 1.Pet. 5:7, 10; Psa. 76:10; Isa. 51:2; Prov.16:7.