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Text of the Day






 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you—Jas. 4:7.

 If we are positive in our rejection of temptation, it increases our strength of character, not only for that time but also for subsequent temptations; and it disconcerts to some extent our Adversary, who, noting our positiveness, knows well that it is useless to discuss the matter with persons of strong convictions and positive characters; whereas if the question were parleyed over, the result would surely be an advancing of further reasons and arguments on the Adversary’s part, and a danger on our part that we would be over-matched in argument, for, as the Apostle declares, the devil is a wily adversary, and “we are not ignorant of his devices.” Prompt and positive obedience to the Word and Spirit of the Lord is the only safe course for any of the “brethren.


Parallel passages: 1.Pet. 5: 8,9; Eph. 4: 27; 6: 10-13; Matt. 4: 1-11; 1.Chron. 21: 1; Job 1: 6-12; 2: 3-7; Zech. 3:1,2; Matt. 13:19,38,39; Luke 22:31; John 8:38,41, 44; 12: 31; 13: 2,27; Rom. 16: 20; 2.Cor. 2: 11; 4: 4;11: 3,14,15; 1.John 3: 8,10,12; 5: 18.