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Text of the Day







 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercyMatt. 5:7


 All do not know it, but it is a fact that the grandest quality that man can exercise, and the one which brings the largest amount of blessing itself, is the exercise of the God-like quality of mercy, compassion, benevolence. The Lord lays great stress upon this quality of mercy, declaring that whatever else may be our attainments of knowledge or of grace, if we have not this one we can never be acceptable to Him if we do not have mercy upon others neither will our Heavenly Father have mercy upon us. And to insure that we do not consider this mercy to be merely an outward form, an expression of forgiveness and benevolence, our Lord expounds the matter, saying, “If ye do not from the heart forgive one another, neither will your Heavenly Father forgive you.” ... Only the merciful shall obtain mercy; and if we have not mercy at the hands of the Lord, all is lost; for by nature we were children of wrath, even as others, and under just condemnation.



Parallel passages: Psalms. 18: 25; 41: 1; Proverbs. 3: 3; 11: 17; 14: 21, 22, 31; 21: 21; Mark 11: 25, 26; Eph. 4: 32; Col. 3: 12, 13; 2.Tim. 1:16; Hebrews. 6: 10, 11; James. 2: 13; Matthew.18: 35; Micah. 6: 8; Luke 6: 36; Romans. 12: 8.