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Text of the Day







 A word spoken in due season, how good it is!

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silverProverbs. 15:23; 25:11.


  We are to remember, when talking with those who have an ear to hear and are inquiring the way to the Lord, that there are great crises in the lives of men, momentous occasions, in which one word may be more valuable, more potent, than would be a hundred words or a thousand wards at another time, under different circumstances; and we are to be instant in the Lord’s service, whether seasonable or unseasonable to ourselves, gladly ready to lay down our lives for the brethren.... We are to distinguish, however, between out-of-season to ourselves and out-of-season to others; and to be willing to serve others at any time, however out-of-season to ourselves, if it be in season and opportune for them. We are not to intrude even the Gospel itself at inopportune times, however convenient the occasion may be to ourselves.



Parallel passages: Psalms. 37: 30; 39: 1; 119: 13, 46, 172; 141: 3; Proverbs. 12: 18-20; 15: 1, 2, 4, 7; 16: 21, 23, 24; 31: 26; Eccles. 12: 9-11; Eph. 4: 25, 29; Cal. 4: 6; 1.Peter. 3: 15, 16; Rev. 14: 5.