We want to ask the Lord,
our Master and Head, that He will bless us more and more, as with
fresh zeal we shall endeavour faithfully and rejoicingly to drink of
the brook of life’s experiences, and gain wisdom there from that will
fit and prepare us for His service by and by; and which will the
better fit and prepare us for His service also in the present time,
and enable us by His grace to show forth His praises in all the
trying circumstances and vicissitudes of life so as to glorify Him
in our bodies and spirits which are His. Let us, as we drink of the
brook, take a lesson from the little birds, which when drinking,
repeatedly lift the head as though giving thanks to God. Let us
continually give thanks to our Lord for every taste of life’s
experience, for every lesson, for every trial, appropriating them
all to our spiritual development. |