UK Bible Students Website.Poem for the Day
“WHAT a friend we have in Jesus,”
Sang a little child one day;
And a weary woman listened To the darling’s happy lay.
All her life seemed dark and gloomy,
All her heart was sad with care; Sweetly rang out baby’s treble, “All our sins and griefs to bear.”
She was pointing out the Savior
Who could carry every woe;
And the one who sadly listened Needed that dear Helper so!
Sin and grief were heavy burdens
For a fainting soul to bear; But the baby singer bade her “Take it to the Lord in prayer.”
With a simple, trusting spirit,
Weak and worn, she turned to God,
Asking Christ to take her burden, Owning Him as her dear Lord.
Jesus was her only refuge,
could take her sin and care.
And He blessed the weary woman When she came to Him in prayer.
And the happy child, still singing, Little knew she had a part In
God’s wondrous work of bringing Peace unto a troubled heart.