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Text of the Day






Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice—Phil. 4:4.


We cannot have too many rejoicing Christians, nor can they rejoice too much, if they rejoice in the Lord. This rejoicing is not necessarily boisterous, nor of necessity the reverse. It implies serenity, happiness, peace, pleasure of soul, however, and does not mean that noisy demonstration is essential, as some seem mistakenly to think. . . The only ones who can rejoice alway are those who are living very near to the Lord, and who can feel always their oneness with Him, and that His protection and care are over them, and that His promise is sure, that all things shall work together for their highest welfare, as Christians.


Parallel passages:

Deut. 12:18;  1.Sam. 2:1; Job 22:26; Psa. 5:11; 9:2; 32:11; 35:9; 43:4; 63:11; 64:10; 97:11; 104:34; Isa. 29:19; Joel 2:23; Hab. 3:18; Luke 10:21; Rom. 5:2; 12:12; 15:13;  1.Cor.12:26; Phil. 2:18; 3:1;  1.Thes. 5:16; Heb. 3:6;  1.Pet. 4:13.