The U K Bible Students Website

In Memorial

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Valerie Armstrong


November 15, 1932 - January 16, 2017


Sister Valerie ArmstrongTHOSE OF US associated with the UK Bible Students were deeply saddened by the death of our Sister in the faith, Valerie Armstrong. As a founding member of our small website group in 2008, she served as a senior writer and editor. Despite her cognitive difficulties due to a series of minor strokes, she continued to produce original articles for our website, usually without attribution, and occasionally as ‘Lee Bridges’ and ‘Joss Apperley’. Possessing a first-class mind, her writing and conversation was a model of clarity and spiritual insight.


A Bible Student most of her life, Valerie was deeply involved in the activities of the Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement of Britain, at home and abroad Europe, Africa, and North America. She was a looked-for face at local class meetings and general conventions. Her husband, Ronald E. Armstrong, who died in 1995, was a well-travelled speaker for the L.H.M.M. Together with him, Valerie exemplified that gift of hospitality which the Scriptures commend, and unselfishly they entertained countless numbers of guests in their home.


We continue to miss her contribution to our own work and our local class fellowship.