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Text of the Day







 Light [Truth] is sown for the righteous, and gladness [the joys of the Truth] for the upright in heart—Psa. 97:11.


The true children of God love the Truth because they have an affinity for it.... When they have found the Truth they recognize its value; they prize it, and meditate upon it.... They say, It is just like God: it is the manifestation of His glorious goodness, the reflection of His loving, benevolent, wise and just character. And therefore they love the Truth and the God who gave it; they treasure it up in their hearts and con it over again and again; and as they look into it, and admire all its symmetry and beauty, they strive more and more to conform their own characters to the same lines of beauty and seek to commend it by word and conduct to others, that they also may be blessed by it.


Parallel passages: Dan. 2:28;  Amos 3:7;  Rom. 16:25, 26;  John 15:15;  Psa. 29:9, 11;  Prov. 3:32; Matt.11:25; 24:45-47;  Luke 8:10; 12:42-44;  Rev.19:9, 10; 22:8, 9,16.