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U.K. Bible Students Website.

Text of the Day





Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart— Matt,11:29.


Truly, in a meek and quiet spirit is the secret of rest. To be meek is to cultivate the graces of patience, of loving submission to the will of God, of abiding confidence in His love and care and in the wisdom of His guiding counsel and overruling providences, and persistently to pursue this course through evil and through good report, or through favorable or unfavorable circumstances. Let the beloved children of God seek more and more to copy Christ’s meek and quiet spirit, accepting the providences of God and obeying His precepts and leading, as He did, armed with the strength which He alone can supply, and will, to those who take His yoke upon them, and learn of Him.


 Parallel passages: Matt. 7:29; 22:16; 23:8;  John 3:2; 13:15;  Zech. 9:9;  Isa. 50:5,6; 53:7;  Matt. 26:49-53;  2.Cor. 10:1;  Matt. 9:10;  Luke 22:27;  Acts 8:32,33;  Phil. 2:5-8.



Poems of Dawn, 31: A Present Help.


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