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Text of the Day







Whatsoever things are just. . . think on these things—Phil. 4:8.


We are not to allow our minds to run along lines that would be unjust; and we are to learn to apply this test of justice to every thought and word and act of ours, while learning at the same time to view the conduct of others from a different standpoint, so far as reason will permit, from the standpoint of mercy, forgiveness, pity, helpfulness. But we cannot be too careful how we criticize every thought we entertain, every plan we mature, that the lines of justice shall in no sense of the word be infringed by us with our heart’s approval.



Parallel passages: Ex. 23:1-3,6-8; Lev. 19:13-15; Ezra 7:26; Psa. 82:2-4; 89: 14; Prov. 17:15; Eccles. 3:16,17;     Isa.1:17;59:14;  Zech. 8:16; Matt. 5:23,24; John 7:24.