MAY 21
All scripture, given by
inspiration of God, profitable for doctrine,
for reproof for
correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God
may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works—
2. Tim.
3:16,17. |
It will be well for us
all to remember that all the graces of the Spirit, all the progress
in the knowledge of Divine things to which we have already attained,
that may have helped us nearer to God and to holiness have come to
us through the Scriptures of the Old Testament and through the words
of our Lord and His inspired Apostles: nor will it ever be necessary
to go to other channels for the true wisdom which would prepare us
for the salvation promised. |
Parallel passages: Deut. 6:6,7; 2.Sam. 23:2; Luke 1: 70;
Matt. 22: 43; 26: 54,56; John 5: 39; 10:35; Mark 12:24; 2.Pet.
1:19-21; Acts 20:20,27; Rom. 3: 2; 15: 4; Psa. 19: 7-11; 119:
9,11,97-104; 1.Tim. 6:11; 2.Tim. 2:21,25; 4:2; Heb. 3:7; 4:12;
10:24; 2.Cor. 9:8; Eph. 2:10; Titus
2:14. |