MAY 22
God hath not given us
the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound
mind—2. Tim.1:7. |
The spirit of
the Lord imparted to His people is not a spirit of fear, but on the
contrary a spirit of power, energy, zeal awakened by love—loving
devotion to God, and a desire to please and serve Him; loving
devotion to the Truth, and a loving devotion to God’s people and a
desire to build them up in holy things, and to do good unto all men
as we have opportunity—the spirit of a “sound mind”—a mind that is
fortified and strengthened by the Word of the Lord on every subject,
and hence, while thoroughly fearless of man, is wise in judging of
times, seasons and methods for using the energy of love which burns
as a fire within the consecrated heart. |
Parallel passages: Josh. 1: 5-9; Rom. 8:15; Isa. 51: 12, 13;
Acts 1: 8; 6: 8; Eph. 1:19, 20; 1.Cor.1: 24-28 2.Cor. 12: 9;
Psa. 18: 1; 31: 23; John 14: 15, 21, 24; 13: 34, 35; 15: 12-15, 17; l. Cor. 13; Matt. 7: 24, 25; 25: 1-9; 15: 14; 16:19; Eph. 5:15-17; Col. 3:10,16; Jas.
3:13. |