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Text of the Day





MAY 30

 Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation—Rom.12:12.


 Here is an important part of the great battle of the Christian’s life. He must fight the natural tendencies of the old nature and confidently anticipate the victory in the strength of the great Captain of his Salvation. He must not succumb to the flattering and deceptive influences of prosperity, nor faint under the burdens of adversity. He must not allow the trials of life to sour and harden his disposition, to make him morose, or surly, or bitter, or unkind. Nor may he allow pride or ostentation or self-righteousness to grow and feed upon the temporal good things which the Lord’s providence has granted him to test his faithfulness as a steward.



Parallel passages: Phil. 4:4;  1.Thes. 4:2,73,6,7; 5:16; Luke 10:20; Rom. 15:3,4,13; 5:2-5; Heb.3:6; 10:36;  1.Pet. 4:13; Luke 21:19; Psa. 37:7; 40:1; Hab. 3:17,18; Col. 1:11; Jas. 1:2-4; 5:7;  1.Pet. 2:19,20; Heb. 12:1-3;  2.Thes. 1:4.