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Text of the Day







 The Angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth themPsa. 34:7.


  How it enlarges the confidence of a Christian to realize that while earthly powers may be in opposition, and while he may be really of himself powerless to resist adversaries, and while in addition to the flesh and blood adversaries he may realize that he battles also with spiritual wickedness in exalted places against Satan and his minions of darkness yet, that, on the other hand, “greater is he that is on our part than all that be against us,” and that all the heavenly hosts are subject to the Divine will and may be employed for the advancement of the Divine cause according to Divine wisdom!



Parallel passages: Gen. 19: 16; 32: 1, 2; 1.Kings 19: 5; 2.Kings 6:17; Psa. 34: 7; 68: 17; 63: 9;103: 20, 21; Dan. 3: 28; 6: 22; Matthew. 4:11; 18: 10; Luke 1: 19; 2: 9-14; 22: 43; Acts 12: 7; 27: 23; Heb.1:14.