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Text of the Day







 Praying always with all prayer and supplication

 in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance Eph. 6:18.


 We are to have the spirit of prayer in all that we say and do; that is to say, our hearts should be going out continually to the Lord for guidance in all life’s affairs, that we may do with our might what our hands find to do, in a manner that will be acceptable to Him, and that we may be shielded by Him from temptation that would otherwise be beyond our endurance, and that we may be ultimately delivered from the Evil One and have a place in our Lord’s Kingdom. Brethren, let us more and more remember and put into practice these words of our Lord “Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation”.



Parallel passages: Luke 11: 5-13; 21: 36; Psalm. 5:1-3; 16: 1, 2; Dan. 6: 10; Acts 6: 4; 10: 2, 9; Romans. 12: 12; Phil. 4: 6, 7; Col. 4: 2; 1.Thes. 5: 17; Matthew. 26: 39-44; Eph. 1: 16; 1.Tim. 5: 5.