Ye have put off the old
man with his deeds;
and have put on the new man, which is renewed in
knowledge after the image of him that created
him—Col. 3:9,10. |
Only in our minds, in our
wills, have the old things passed away and all things become new.
Actually, this change will be accomplished when this mortal shall
have put on immortality, when this corruptible shall be raised in
incorruption raised in glory, in power, as spirit beings. But
meantime, in order to be counted worthy of a share in the
resurrection of the just, it is required of us that we shall
demonstrate our willingness of mind, our earnest desire to be all
that the Lord would have us be; and in no way can this be better
demonstrated to the Lord and to ourselves, or prove more helpful,
than by keeping a strict surveillance of our hearts and of our
passages: Eph. 2:10; 4: 22, 24, 25; Rom. 6: 4, 6, 13, 14; 12: 2;
Ezek. 36: 26; 2.Cor. 3:18; 4: 6; 5:17; Psa. 51: 10; 1.Pet. 1:15,16;
Gal. 6:15; Titus 2:11, 12; Gen. 1:
27. |