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Text of the Day







Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you—

1. Pet. 5:7


 This is a very consoling and encouraging suggestion from the Word. However, the Lord’s people are to learn more and more distinctly, as their years of membership in God’s family and tutelage in the school of Christ go on, that they are not to ask the Lord to guide their efforts according to their wisdom; that they are not to request that their wills shall be done either on earth or in heaven, but rather, telling the Lord their burdens, great and small, they are to realize and appropriate to themselves His sympathy and love, and to apply to their own hearts as a balm the consoling assurances of His Word, that He is both able and willing to make all their experiences profitable to them, if they abide in Him with confidence and trust.



Parallel passages: Psa. 37: 5; 127: 2; Matt. 6:25-34; 11:28-30; 13:22; Luke 21:34; Rom.8:28; Phil.4: 6,7, 19; Prov. 16: 3; Jer. 17: 7,8; Heb.13:5.