We sow to the flesh every time we
allow the fleshly, selfish, unjust, unrighteous desires of the
flesh to have sway in our hearts and lives, and each sowing makes
easier the additional sowing and makes more sure the end of that way
which is death the Second Death. On the contrary, each sowing to
the Spirit, each resistance to the desires of the flesh toward
selfishness, etc., and each exercise of the new mind, of the
new will, in spiritual directions toward the things that are pure,
the things that are noble, the things that are good, the things that
are true, is a sowing to the Spirit, which will bring forth
additional fruits of the Spirit, graces of the Spirit, and which, if
persevered in, will ultimately bring us in accord with the Lord’s gracious promises and
arrangements everlasting life and the Kingdom. |