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Poem for the Day








Doubting Thomas


HOW oft we doubt

And fear we shall be overwhelmed in sin.

Because temptation grows so strong without,

Because our courage is so faint within.


 And thus we sigh:

Then can it be that I have known the Lord?

Can I be one with Him that sits on high?

Have I e’er felt the power of His Word?


Is this poor life

Fit prelude for a high eternity?

Alas! have I not yet begun the strife,

Or must I fail before the victory?


O  heart of doubt!

When wilt thou, O thou foolish heart, be wise)

Thou lookest everywhere, within, without,

Forgetting only to lift up thine eyes.


No more despair,

There is no help for thee in things below;

Search not within for hope—it is not there,

But unto Christ do thou for comfort go.


Christ is thy Rock;

Doubt not this firm foundation, true and tried;

Fear not the gathering tempest’s angry shock;

It harms not those that on this Rock abide.


Christ is thy Friend,

He knows thy weakness, He will give thee strength;

Trust! in His name is victory; He will end

The conflict for thee; thou shalt win at length.


Christ is thy Peace;

From penalty and stain He sets thee free;

And in the white robe of His righteousness.

Before the approving God presenteth thee.


Christ is thine ALL:

Forget thyself, and in Him sweetly rest;

And thou shalt enter, whatsoe’er befall,

The everlasting mansions of the blest.



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