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Poem for the Day






         THOU of little faith, why dost thou fear?

      The tempest hath no power when I am near;     

Will  not the angry waves be still at My command?

 Step out, I’ll hold thy hand,

Then, wherefore dost thou fear?


O thou of little faith, why dost thou doubt?

Doth not Mine Angel compass thee about?

Are  not My Father’s promises as sure to thee

As they have proved to Me?

Then, wherefore dost thou doubt?


O thou of little faith, what dost thou dread?

Are not the lilies clothed, the sparrows fed?

Heed not the world, nor marvel that it hateth thee,

For so it hated Me,—

What, therefore, dost thou dread?


O thou of little faith, why dost thou shrink?

Why dost thou tremble at the river’s brink)

Oh, hark! Above its tumult sweetly sounds My “Come,

Thou art not far from home!

Then, wherefore wouldst thou shrink?



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