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Poem for the Day






MY will, dear Lord, from Thine doth run

Too oft a different way:

‘Tis hard to say, “Thy will be done,”

 In every darkened day!

My heart longs still to do

Thy will And all Thy Word obey.


My will sometimes would gather flowers;

Thine blights them in my hand;

Mine reaches for life’s sunny hours;

 Thine leads through shadow land;

And many days go on in ways

I cannot understand.


Yet more and more this truth doth shine

From failure and from loss:

The will that runs transverse from Thine

Doth thereby make its cross;

Thine upright will cuts straight and still

Through pride, and dream, and dross.


But if in parallel to Thine

My will doth meekly run,

All things in heaven and earth are mine;

My will is crossed by none;

Thou art in me, and I in Thee:

Thy will and mine are done.



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