The UK Bible Students Website
Question Box
All Scripture citations are to the King James (Authorised)
Lord’s crucifixion was the final act of His ministry. It was not enough that
Jesus only perform good works to bless the people, nor even that He
suffer for the sins of mankind. It was necessary that He die in
place of the sinner Adam, who had forfeited his own life by disobedience.
Therefore, to balance the scales of Divine Justice Jesus had to give Himself as
an equivalent substitute for Adam, a corresponding price, a perfect man for a
perfect man. This principle of equivalence is evident from Romans 5:
died a sinner, cut off from the fellowship of God. The sinless Jesus offered up
Himself in place of the sinner. It was necessary, therefore, that Jesus die in
the same state of alienation from God. Jesus’ agony at this is apparent from
the text quoted in the question. But shortly after, acknowledging the necessity
for it, He utters the words recorded in Luke 23:
His subsequent resurrection proved that the ‛offering of the body of Jesus Christ’ (Hebrews 10: 10) had been accepted by God, and He was exalted to the right hand of the Father, beloved forever.
Seen this way, it is apparent that the Son on the cross and the Father in heaven are portrayed as separate and distinct beings.
Copyright February
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