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Scripture references are to the King James (Authorised) Version
unless stated
19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high
hills [ranges, Heb.], that were under the whole heaven, were covered. 20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail;
and the mountains [ranges, Heb.] were
cubits upward’ around 7 metres or 23 feet, for an 18-inch cubit probably
refers to the draught (the underwater clearance) of the vessel. This
calculation might have been made by Noah or someone else from the porthole
while the vessel was afloat (Genesis 8: 6 ‘window’ ); or, after the ark had
come to rest in the region of Ararat and the water level had dropped
sufficiently to permit its occupants to disembark. Such an observation would
have been natural to make by any one of the engineer-carpenters of Noah’s
family. They had, after all, built the ship over many years, and would have
been intimately familiar with its characteristics.
course, knowing the minimum draught of the ark does not tell us how far above
the ‘high hills’ it actually floated, only that it cleared them without
foundering. But at least we can know that the depth of water between the ark
and any submerged high spot was at least ‘fifteen
the water level sank, the ark bumped up against the flank of the range that
later became known as Ararat (Genesis 8: 4). Some weeks later, the surrounding
topography (‘tops of the mountains’, v. 5) could be seen (again,
suggesting an eyewitness account).
is probable that the mountains and seas (oceans) after the Flood are much higher
and deeper than those prior to it. The Scriptures say that in addition to water
cascading from above for forty days and forty nights possibly the result of
the rupture of the water canopy (waters above the earth, Genesis 1: 7), the
‘fountains’ (possibly volcanic eruptions) broke out from beneath (Genesis 7: 11
[compare with 8: 2]):
[A]ll the fountains [sluices,
springs] of the great deep [were] broken up and the windows [floodgates,
cataracts] of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days
and forty nights.
maximum height reached by the waters was sufficient to obscure the high hills
as visible from the ark. The deluge probably did not reach to, say, the height
of Everest or K-2, which may not then have existed. Regardless, the waters were
sufficiently deep to deny refuge to person or animal. All air-breathing
creatures, including birds, would have perished, either from drowning or being
beaten down by the force of the water from above, all combined with a powerful
wind (Genesis 8: 1). And while an eyewitness account alone could not verify the
widest geographic extent of the Flood, there can be little doubt that it would
have overwhelmed the rest of the planet to more or less the same depth, with
similar devastating effects. Such was God’s stated intention, or there would
have been no reason for building the ark, and preserving the humans and animals
inside it (Genesis 6: 7; 7: 4, 21, 22; 2 Peter 3: 5, 6).
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