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The UK Bible Students Website

Question Box







Unless otherwise denoted, all Scripture references are to the

New International Version (NIV; British text)


Question: What is Christian consecration?


Answer: Romans 12: 1:Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God this is your spiritual act of worship.”


According to the Bible, the Christian life ought to be progressive, leading one on to ever-higher stages of development. Christian consecration or dedication is the third step in the Christian’s life, the first two being repentance for one’s sins, and full belief in Christ as Saviour, which enables one to become justified by faith. Consecration implies a separation from the common and ordinary and a dedication of oneself to God.


Who May Consecrate?

Those already justified by faith, referred to in our text as “brothers”, are encouraged to consecrate, to give their hearts and minds over to God’s will. In our text, the word “brothers” addresses justified Christian men and women, or Christian brothers and sisters.


The Attributes of Consecration

Consecration consists of four attributes, alluded to in our text:


1. Power: this is denoted as “living”, and gives the thought that consecration is energetic.


2. Love: this attribute is indicated by the word “holy” and is appropriate, for love is the true spirit of holiness.


3. Justice: consecration is “pleasing” to God because it is the merit of Jesus’ sacrifice which makes one just or righteous in the sight of God, and therefore acceptable to Him.


4. Wisdom: the phrase, “this is your spiritual act of worship”, conveys the thought that consecration is a sensible and reasonable action.


The Consecrated Life

Why would one consecrate?

Although not commanded, consecration is the response of a heart grateful for and appreciative of God’s mercy, His past favours. The duties of the consecrated Christian include world- and self-denial, study of and meditation on God’s Word, spreading God’s Word, practising God’s Word, and, when necessary, suffering for loyalty to Him.


Put another way, to live a consecrated life is to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, our finest Example.
There is no greater joy than this.


 Copyright September 2008, UKBibleStudents.co.uk.


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