The UK Bible Students Website
Question Box
In order to be an Apostle, it was necessary that he should be a witness to our Lord’s resurrection.
If Jesus had been a flesh being, Saul’s eyes would have been spared. But the fact that he was permitted to see, and with unveiled eyes for it is not the natural order of things for a natural eye to see a spirit being is a proof that some power was miraculously exercised which enabled him to see the Lord.
As to how this comports with the thought that Jesus went away, and that the Heavens were to retain Him until the end of the Age, we have this to say: He left the world, telling His disciples that in the end of the Age He would come in great glory to establish His Kingdom.
But nothing in this statement indicates that He might not be present at
some time previous to this. This may be illustrated in the typical Atonement
Day sacrifices. The High Priest went into the Most Holy and offered the blood
of the bullock; then he came out again and offered his second sacrifice, the
goat. He then returned to the Most Holy. – (C.T. Russell, 15 Feb., 1914;
with minor revisions)
Reprinted May 2013
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