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The UK Bible Students Website

Question Box








The following is quoted from What Pastor Russell Said  (1910), p. 366


Question: Was the man Christ Jesus like unto Adam before Eve was taken from his side, or after Eve was taken from his side, and before sin entered?


Answer: I do not know, and nobody else knows, and I do not think it makes any difference to us about the matter.


There is certainly nothing in the Scriptures that would tell us which way our Lord was perfect whether he was like unto Adam in his perfection before Eve was taken from his side, or like the perfect Adam after Eve was taken from his side.


I know of nothing in the Scriptures that would enable one to answer that.


I feel there is no difference whichever way it was; the sufficiency for the ransom-price was in Christ because he was the Head anyway.


If he was merely as Adam was after Eve was taken from his side, he was then the responsible one; and if he was like Adam before she was taken from his side, he was the responsible one also.




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