The UK Bible Students Website
Question Box
Scripture references are to the King James
(Authorised) Version unless stated otherwise.
The Hebrew word here translated ‘evil’ is rà (rah) and is rendered in other texts variously as ‘ill-favoured’ or ‘ugly’ (Gen. 41:27), or ‘mischief’ or ‘malice’ (Psa. 28:3).
The New International Version (UK edition of 1984), puts it this way: ‘I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things.’
Other translations convey a similar theme of contrast or opposites light vs. darkness; peace vs. disruption; prosperity vs. misfortune.
In the case of ‘darkness’, it is evidently the absence of light, a fact which affords a clue to the meaning of the other components of v. 7. That is, the existence of one implies the existence of the other, as in sweet vs. sour, hope vs. despair, etc. Viewed as positive and negative, we might say that light is positive and darkness is negative. The same applies to peace and evil.
The presence or absence of the one creates (brings about) the other. Obviously there are occasions when calamity ‘comes about’ as the direct consequence of an individual’s sinful behaviour.
The contrast between the positive good of ‘peace’ and its negation, ‘evil’, appears to be an assertion that the world of human existence and experience in it is the result of God’s will and power ‘I, the Lord, do all these things’. That is, everything which exists flows from the outworking of the Divine plan, as implied in v. 6: ‘. . . from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting men may know there is none besides me. I am the Lord, and there is no other’ (Authorised Version).
The Apostle James tells us that God does not and cannot tempt one to sin (Jas. 1:13).
Sin arises from the circumstances into which the human race is born and which are due to the fall of the race from its original perfect created state.
Recognising this
deficit, God in His justice makes allowance for our own unrighteous behaviour,
having provided the offset of our sins through His Son, by whom we are justified
by faith.
Looked at it in the broad view, the implication of Isa. 45:6, 7 is
that Jehovah alone is the Omnipotent One.
November 2016. No copyrights.