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The human voice, warm and resonant, adds feeling and impact where the written word is unmoving. Whether you know the speakers or not, their words are given here, that you may be persuaded of their conviction. |
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Discourses Follow the link in the right hand column are mp3
The Truth as Due and its Arrangements.Pastor B. HedmanFor listeners enlightened by Present Truth, a discourse by the late Bernard Hedman. Christ's disciples are called unto liberty. A difficulty arises when some mistake their church or organisation as the sole means of God's agency, and so fall into sectarian bondage.
Praying for SodomPastor H.W. Roberts Abraham prayed to God to spare Sodom from destruction for the sake of any righteous there. Many churches are split by the controversy over homosexuality. Honesty to God's word and His spirit is the touchstone to understanding the right way out of strife and contention.
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Blessed are the PeacemakersPastor H. W. Roberts Peacemaking is rarely peaceful. The need for peace implies discontent and anger. God has promised peace, but first the rage of man must be silenced.
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Forget Not My LawPastor H. W. Roberts Many make earnest efforts to remember scripture, this is good. No codex of words can state completely God's law, it's perfect expression is found in the heart of man.
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A Message for Our Time - Isa. 33Pastor H. W. Roberts "When thou shalt cease to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled!" says the prophet. God foretelling the present troubles knew that man's attempts to free himself and establish a righteous government, without Divine help, would fail. The oppressed, ambitious for power, become the oppressor. It will require divine intervention to bring peace, for Christ must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet.
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